Da Nang was hit on Monday with a tropical storm that dumped a huge amount of rain on the city. The rain began around 7:30 in the morning and continued all day, torrential much of the time. Apparently, there was flooding in parts of the city, though not around where I live. Tuesday morning, it was overcast but not raining so I ventured out in search of food. The Han River, usually a flat gray with hints of blue or green depending on the light, was swollen with runoff and silt from the storm and had turned a muddy reddish brown. The water’s color makes an interesting contrast to the overcast gray sky. There was no rain Tuesday until evening, at which point the sky opened and water poured down in sheets. Water accumulated quickly on the deck upstairs from me, and eventually started dripping down the wall of my living room. Repairs were undertaken Wednesday and the drainage system on the deck was improved. The verdict on the improvements awaits the next time it rains.
Tag: Han River
Overcast Morning, Da Nang, Vietnam
Today was not a particularly auspicious day to start off with a new camera. It was overcast all day and the light flat. By noon the temperature was close to 100, the humidity was stifling and there was not a hint of a breeze. Late afternoon brought rain. But at 6:40 in the morning when this was taken, it was still pleasant outside and a little work in the digital darkroom gave some life to the colors in this image. The D750 has 24 megapixels, which let one capture some amazing detail in a landscape photo like this. Of course, by the time the image is reduced significantly in size and saved as a jpeg for publication online, all that detail pretty much disappears. A decent mobile phone camera and a photo tweaking app on the phone will produce almost the same results.