South Station, Boston

South Station at the intersection of South St. and Atlantic Ave is one of Boston’s many landmark buildings. I took several photos that show more of the building, but none of them are worth posting, so I stuck with this image of the main entrance to the station. The entrance way today looks much as it did when South Station first opened in 1899. Completing this representation of urban America in 2022 is the ubiquitous homeless person with her worldly goods on a cart to the left of the center entrance. In a country as rich as the United States, there is just no excuse for the legions of indigent homeless trying to eke out an existence in our cities. You are a disgrace, America.

Back in the USA

Downtown Denver, Colorado, seen from just west of I-25

After 25 years in China, I landed back in the United States three weeks ago. Denver, Colorado, my new home, is quite a change from Beijing. I lived on Colorado’s western slope when I was a high school boy a long time ago and I have been visiting family in Denver for many years. But I have never lived in Denver until now. The Mile High City, Gateway to the Rockies, Denver is that and a lot more. It’s a great place and I am delighted to be here.

My blogging to date has focused on photographs, mostly of China. I expect this blog will feature a lot of photos, though I am still pretty uncertain what direction my photography will take now that I no longer have China to point my camera at. Be that as it may, the new format gives me more flexibility to ramble with the keyboard as well as with the camera.