Morning Seafood Market, Da Nang, Vietnam

Seafood Market, Da Nang, VietnamDa Nang has a morning seafood market by the sea a couple of km north of the tourist section of the beach. I decided to ride up and take a look one morning recently. Unfortunately, by the time I got there around 6:30, the market was pretty much over. Most of the vendors were already finished packing up and were eating their breakfasts or leaving. Seems I need to be on my way earlier if I want to catch this place in action.

Beachcomber, Danang, Vietnam

Beachcomber, Danang, Vietnam

I was walking on the beach, camera in hand, when this man approached and pointed at the camera and then himself. He wanted his picture taken and, in such cases, mine is not to reason why, but to point and shoot. We moved to the nearest coconut palm, he struck a pose – a darn good one if I do say so – and the job was done. I showed him the result in the camera’s viewer, he smiled suggesting approval, we shook hands and went our separate ways.