Cherry Creek in Spring, Colorado

I enjoy playing with filters in Photoshop or Affinity Photo to make photos look like paintings. Most of my efforts are pathetic failures, though every now and then, I come up with a “painting” I rather like.

Cherry Creek flows through Denver, giving its name to an upmarket urban neighborhood as it passes by. The creek is a tributary of the South Platte River, which eventually flows into the Missouri.

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Born in the United States, photographer, bookworm, expatriate

2 thoughts on “Cherry Creek in Spring, Colorado”

  1. I thoroughly enjoy slowly perusing your photographs, Steve. Seems, though, your collections pop up late at night, like now–it’s 1:07 AM & I was trying to shut down for the “Day” that has been long & way too stressful. Your scenes & subjects are well selected & presented – and, the Asian based so different & interesting in comparison to what I see about me in CA. Keep it up; I want to get to see more & more of those I have already seen. I hope you are well & will continue to share with me.

    1. Hi Brian, good to hear from you! Thank you for your comment – I’m glad you enjoy my photos. I live in Vietnam these days – daytime here is night in the US, so I am not surprised that the posts often show up when it is late in California. I enjoy taking photos and plan to keep posting more.

      I hope you have enjoyed a good holiday season. Best wishes for a peaceful 2024!

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